There are those who think they’re not depressed
At work their face will express
I’m happy here and nothing’s wrong
It’s just work-related stress, that’s all

When they get home, a new feeling within
The dark cloud takes over, the evil begins
There’s nothing but fighting, yelling and blame
An identity crisis, the issues, the same

Everyone sees it, except for you
The strong, balanced person has a breaking point too

How long has it been, that you lived in peace…
Totally stress-less, happy and free

When did you hand over your freedom and mind
In exchange for anxiety, withdrawal and lost pride
Your eyes show a story and it’s not looking good
You’re aging much faster, than you normally should

You’re in denial, it’s part of the strife
The low self-esteem, can give question to life
Don’t let pride claim the person you were
Hiding deep in your heart, I know you’re still there 

Somehow we lost you, it was quite gradual
Take back your soul, you’re emotionally fragile

But there is an answer, and He is Love
He’s reclaiming his child, because He doesn’t give up
He wants you to live happy again
So please get some help, and reconnect,
with your family and friends

Do not give up hope, put on your armor
God is your shield, He is your Father
Prepare to confront the hardship at last
This battle is His, it will come to past

(Be strong, don’t give up, allow God’s grace to lift you out.)

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